News - Events 2000 |
Latest News:May 28, 2000
I'm finally back to update this site. In the music section you'll find also some of the new lyrics from our songs, hope you'll enjoy! We're going to set our first EP, no label it's obvious but we're trying to get one! Strawberries' popularity is growing anyway....Thankfully to internet that's where our music is known:
Barcelona, Madrid, Zaragoza (Spain)
Paris, Canne, Marseille, Angers (France)
Westport, Limerick, Dublin, Cork (Eire)
Belfast, Glasgow, London, Oxford, Birmingham, Cardiff (U.K.)
Leverkusen, Frankfurt (Germany)
Amsterdam (Netherlands)
Malmo (Sweden)
Melbourne, Sydney (Australia)
And we hope to incrase our popularity!!! Mail the band if you want to support us, we'll make you known how to do it!
May 14, 2000
Hi I'm back again with hot news for you. Me, David and Gianni meet today to write something new to play. We've written a new rock fast tempo song to be completed. Probably next week it will be completed so you have to wait some more to hear the sample!
Next Tuesday we'll be in studio to record some cover and 2 our songs. Ylenia's planning to re-arrange some Cranberries' song like Zombie and Free to Decide, we'll see during this week what to do.
May 5, 2000
I'm glad to announce that soonit will be possible to hear a radio broadcasting from our site including interviews and live performances of the band, so stay tuned!
April 25, 2000
After a long period of silence I'm back to upload my site. Here's a little change in the lineup of the band. Moises Righi is still our temporal drummer, he'll take the final decision (if he'll stay or not) on July cause of his sport engagment (he's a fencer so he could be busy very often). David Palandri has joined the band as second guitarist. Here's the lineup right now:
Ylenia Cava - Vocals
Gianni Rametta - Lead Guitarist
Gabriele Neri - Bass/Second Vocals/Harmonica
David Palandri - Second Guitarist
Moises Paolo Righi - Drummer
Added Musicians:
Laura Felli: Keyboards/Piano/ Synth Strings
April 16, 2000
Hi Folks! I'm back from my trip to Venice and even if I am a bit tired I've updated my site. Our music section is finally started and I have set some of the bugs that were in the site. I have to announce that the Strawberries will start to promote themselves through the net by using music sites & power engines. We hope to incrase our popularity and make ourselves known by the international record companies
April 12, 2000
This will be the last update of the week cause I'll be in Venice for the next 3 days. Here's a remind for you to visit our italian fan club web site: http://nav.to/strawberries83b
April 11, 2000
Hi Folks, check out our fan club site at http://nav.to/strawberries83b - You need to know italian!
April 9, 2000
Today we've started our new song, you can check the demo by clicking here or by entering the music section (you need real audio as well)
April 2, 2000
Hi folks, you can download our new demo! It's a song written by me, titled 'Discrimination', probably we'll give it to another local band but anyway you can enjoy what in a few months will become a precious b-side! Click here!
March 31, 2000
Only few lines to announce that I've updated some image and some cool new midi, check out surfing the site!
March 30, 2000
Hey People! It's Gabriele talking here, I should introduce myself and this band before we can go on. I'm a 16 years old boy from Pisa, Italy whose favourite hobby is writing songs. Near last december I decided to build up a brand new band to make my work real and that's all: we're waiting for our first show next June and we're preparing our demos who will be brought to Penta Music, an italian record company. We've already contacted Virgin Music but we didn't succed (just think for a while….Virgin Music = Great Musicians). So it's better to start with something simplier who's Penta Music which contacted us last month. Let's talk about this band now! We have a great vocalist, and also a great friend of mine since 1994, Ylenia Cava. Her main inspirations are Cranberries (as me), the italian De Gregori and 883. Our two guitarists are Gianni Rametta and Guido della Rossa, inspired by a lot of great rock musicians (as Sting and the Police/Zucchero/Aerosmith/Metallica). I'm the bassist and the background vocalist. In order to support us while we're recording in studio Laura Felli, a pianist, and Moises Paolo Righi, a drummer, play with us as added musicians. For any info about the band let's clike here to jump to band section! Hope I don't bore you, see you around.
Post a Message to the Band here!